World Diabetes Day - EFAD news


World Diabetes Day 

The World Diabetes Day was celebrated this past Monday the 14th of November, 2022.

EFAD joined the call to action from the International Diabetes Federation in this year’s theme: "Education to Protect Tomorrow" highlighting the need for better access to quality diabetes education for healthcare professionals & people living with diabetes.

Find out more today.


Webinar on "The latest dietary guidelines for obesity and diabetes management" - November 30th, 18:00 CET

On the same page as EFAD and in line with the theme and scope of World Diabetes Day 2022, the International Sweeteners Association is actively taking part in the WDD campaign aiming to help increase access to quality “education to protect tomorrow”, by supporting the organisation of two educational online events for healthcare professionals on nutrition and diabetes.

One of them is a joint EFAD-ISA webinar that is taking place on November 30th, 2022, at 18:00 CET and will present the latest nutritional guidelines for obesity and diabetes management, including the role of sugars and low/no-calorie sweeteners.
EFAD's ESDN Obesity is the facilitator of this webinar. More information and a registration link will be available soon.

Stay tuned!

Find out more on the ISA Press Release.


Launch of WHO/Europe BRIEF manual: toolkit on brief interventions in primary care to reduce risks of noncommunicable diseases

Good advice given by a health worker in a clinic can save lives. On 15 November, WHO/Europe launched a new BRIEF manual that explains how brief interventions in primary care can reduce the risks of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), which account for 90% of deaths in the WHO European Region.
The manual “BRIEF: Integrated brief interventions for noncommunicable disease risk factors in primary care” developed by the WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD Office) is an innovative toolkit for health professionals and decision-makers. The uptake of these interventions in the WHO European Region remains low, and the manual aims to change this situation.
The event included a webinar on November 15th 2022 09:30 – 11:00 CET - to launch the manual which is open to all participants over the world and was followed by expert sessions for the Member States and experts.  

Wineke Remijnse, EFAD Executive Director, was on the panel to discuss the role and competencies of different specialists in primary care for brief intervention delivery.

Find out more today.


A successful French-speaking conference was held in Lyon from 27-29 November

The partnership of four French-speaking countries: France, Belgium part, Luxembourg and Switzerland, led to the organisation of a very successful  2,5-day dietetic conference in Lyon, France on 27-29 November 2022. More than 1200 dietitians attended the event on-site. 

EFAD President Annemieke van Ginkel-Res was invited to introduce the four Presidents of the organising National Dietetic Associations and facilitate a roundtable on "The Dietitian’s place in our societies and health care systems. Update on practices and perspectives".

Find out more today.


Kompass Nutrition and Dietetics Journal

New issue out now!


The new issue was just published.

This issue's main focus is on Sustainable Nutrition.
Don't miss the very interesting review and knowledge-transfer articles on:
 Sustainable Food System Innovations for Healthier Diets,
 Sustainability in Hospital Food Catering,
 Association Between Sustainability and Cancer

 Enjoy reading!



A successful Malnutrition Awareness Week was marked

Last week from 7-11 November 2022, the ESPEN Malnutrition Awareness Week was celebrated alongside many activities on a European and National level.

EFAD and the EFAD members joined the initiative by highlighting each day one of the messages and commitments from the recently issued EFAD Budapest Resolution, which stresses that "Every European citizen should have access to safe and appropriate nutritional care provided by dietitians to support a healthier population while leaving no one behind."

 Read more on the Budapest Resolution.


Spanish Dietitian-Nutritionist Day - November 24th

On the 24th of November Spain celebrates the "Dietitian-Nutritionist Day". The General Council of Dietitians-Nutritionists and the Spanish Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics are launching a campaign called “Diet-Etics. For Reliable Nutrition”.

This campaign aims to increase the awareness of dietitians-nutritionists in the use of social media for disseminating information based on scientific evidence, as well as providing the citizens with reliable information, fighting against fake content and avoiding professional intrusion on media.

 Find out more.


Statement by Commissioner Kyriakides on World Diabetes Day

On the occasion of World Diabetes Day, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, made the following statement:

"Diabetes can affect everyone, irrespective of background, age, and gender. Today, one in ten adults, or more than 32 million people, have diabetes in the EU. This is twice as many as a decade ago. Diabetes takes a heavy toll on our societies and our healthcare systems. It increases the risk of developing potentially dangerous cardiovascular diseases. We also know that it increases the risk of serious disease for persons suffering from COVID-19. And it puts a heavy strain on our health budgets, with diabetes accounting for an estimated 9% of EU health expenditure in 2019. As a result, we can and must do more to tackle diabetes. The burden of type 2 diabetes can for example be reduced by interventions that support a healthier lifestyle, such as a healthy diet, physical activity and not smoking. As with our work on cancer, when it comes to non-communicable diseases, prevention is always better than cure. This is why the Commission is already working on actions to better prevent, detect and treat non-communicable diseases, including diabetes, in a more comprehensive way."

 Read the full statement.


Events and webinars

2nd International Conference on Nutrition and Healthcare
17 - 18 November 2022
Paris, France (Hybrid Event)

The 2nd International Conference on Nutrition and Healthcare is taking place between the 17-18 of November 2022 in Paris, France, yet also in a hybrid format.

This edition's theme is “Revolutionary Strategies with Innovative researches in Nutrition”.

 Find out more and register.


Alpro Foundation Symposium - The Truth about Plant Protein
17 November 2022

Dietary guidelines across the world recommend increasing the consumption of plant-based foods and lowering the consumption of animal-based foods both for health benefits and environmental sustainability.

 Find out more and register.


EU Health Security
22-23 November 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a deep and lasting impact on all those touched by the virus, transforming our societies, healthcare systems and the way we live our lives. The European Commission is bringing experts together for two days to see what we can learn from our reaction to the pandemic and how we can better prepare ourselves for future health threats.

Policymakers, public health experts, healthcare professionals and patient representatives will meet in Luxembourg to shape EU policy going forward and to build a stronger European Health Union together.

 Find out more and register.

EFAD is on Instagram

 Follow EFAD on Instagram.


Have you visited the EFAD Learning Library yet?

This academic season, we are delighted to announce that the EFAD Learning Library, has officially launched. We aim to support your learning with diverse yet relevant topics that apply to daily professional challenges.
As an EFAD Learning member, you will have free access to our flexible and self-directed courses developed for all career stages from students to experienced dietitians.

 Become an EFAD Learning member now.


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