Formació altres entitats

From Monday, 20. May 2013 -  08:00am
To Tuesday, 21. May 2013 - 05:00pm
Contact Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la. / T. +34 93 510 1005 - F. +34 93 510 1009

The World Forum for Nutrition Research emerges as the meeting point of three major events occurring in Spain in 2013: The International Congress of Nutrition (in Granada) organized by the International Union of Nutrition Sciences, the World Congress on Nuts and Dried Fruits (in Barcelona) organized by the International Nut and Dried Fruit Foundation, and the International Congress on Mediterranean Diet (in Barcelona) organized by the Mediterranean Diet Foundation. In fact, this Forum is organized with the collaboration of the Iberomerican Nutrition Foundation (FINUT), the International Nut and Dried Fruit Foundation and the Mediterranean Diet Foundation

Location Reus Toda la información en :
Secretaría Técnica. Vibo Congresos Edificio ORIZONIA - C/ Plaça d' Europa, 17 - 19 1ª Planta 08908 Hospitalet de Llobregat - Barcelona - España
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