Budapest Resolution supports the human right to safe and appropriate nutritional care



Budapest Resolution supports the human right to safe and appropriate nutritional care 

At our General Meeting on the 19 & 20 October we launched the EFAD Budapest Resolution, which was passed by all national dietetic association members present. The resolution ensures that Dietitians uphold a role in supporting the human right to safe and appropriate nutritional care for every European citizen. It is an important step in advocating that nutritional care is seen as a part of integrated care.

We will keep you posted on our progress via our communications channels. Also follow our members as we all are communicating at the same time to increase our message. #EFADBudapestResolution     

Find out more today.


Face to face General Meeting a success

The 33rd EFAD General Meeting took place in beautiful Budapest last month.

The General Meeting was followed by a number of workshops. EFAD member delegates from national dietetic associations and Higher Education Institutes, the leads of our specialist networks and the Executive Committee & Office were reunited after three years of online meetings. It was a great joy to meet, discuss and network again!

Find out more today.


Annemieke van Ginkel-Res re-elected as Honorary President

Congratulations to Annemieke van Ginkel-Res on her re-election. Annemieke said: "I am honoured to be re-elected as EFAD Honorary President for four more years. After the Covid period and the launch of the Strategic Plan 22-26 last year, I felt I needed to continue to further build on strategic partnering in the EU. I want to ensure Dietitians are in a position to support the nutritional health of the citizens of Europe and to raise the profile of Dietitians. I also wish to further implement the three action areas of the Strategic Plan: Leading, Connecting and Building. I am proud to be part of the European Voice of Dietitians!"

Find out more today.


ENDietS is recruiting for Nutrition & Dietetic Students

ENDietS is looking for enthusiastic Nutrition & Dietetic Students to apply to be part of the ENDietS Team. 

  • Junior Promotion and Recruitment Anchors
  • Junior National Key Contact Anchors
  • National Key Contacts (National Representatives)

    The deadline is 4 November, so please apply as soon as possible.  

 Find out more today.


Kompass Nutrition and Dietetics Journal

ESDN Diabetes Report

This paper looks at a Diabetes research project; 'Comparison of European Guidelines for Nutritional Recommendations and Intervention in Type 2 Diabetes'.

 Read more.


ESDN Spotlight - Education and lifelong learning committee update


The current ELLLC membership represents nine countries across Europe and over the last three years, we have been on an interesting journey together, adapting education during and after Covid. At our last monthly committee meeting we shared the challenge of increasing practice learning in clinical settings. In contrast, all members cited new opportunities to expand capacity in other settings, including public health, freelance and charitable organisations. Some countries are wishing to embed more simulated learning to complement in-person experience. This increased variety of placement mode will support students’ varied preferences and learning styles.

It also reflects contemporary dietetic practice and requires for graduates to be adaptive to diverse areas of employment. Transparent processes and robust quality assurance processes are required to ensure opportunity for students and to provide clarity to practice educators. This is reflected in recent approval of EFAD’s revised placement standards at the 2022 General Meeting. A follow-up Practice Education workshop for HEI members is being held on 8 December - the link will be circulated by email. The meeting will give us an opportunity to connect and share experiences.
ELLLC is delighted that the Learning Library modules are now available and they are are now discussing future steps for the platform.



Malnutrition Awareness Week, 7-11 November 

ESPEN Malnutrition Awareness Week is a week dedicated to raising awareness about disease-related malnutrition. Symposia, webinars, education, and clinical guidance will be presented by ESPEN and national-level activities will be undertaken.
Although simple tools are available to identify nutritional risk and needs, effective nutritional care prevents complications, improves outcomes, and enhances the quality of life. Still, awareness on the devastating clinical impact of disease-related malnutrition remains inadequate, and access to optimal nutritional care is unacceptably limited.
Following up on the recently published Budapest Resolution, EFAD will be endorsing ESPEN’s activities and sharing messages to raise awareness during the MAW. Stay tuned to our social media channels, and like and share within your networks.  

 Read the full article.


The rise in chemophobia

In recent years chemophobia – the fear of chemicals in food – has been a hot topic, with over 1/3 of EU citizens ranking food additives (such as emulsifiers, preservatives, colourants and flavourings) as their main food safety concern.

Is this concern founded and are food additives inherently bad for us? This month EUFIC has launched, in collaboration with the European project FoodSafety4EU and experts in the field, a social media campaign under the #AskTheExpert. They’ll be answering the most common questions around this topic through a series of articles on specific (groups of) food additives and videos.

 Find out more.


First European-wide food waste stats released  

The first European-wide stats into food waste have found that in In 2020 around 127 kilogrammes (kg) of food per inhabitant were wasted in the EU. Households generated 55% of food waste, accounting for 70 kg per inhabitant. The remaining 45% was waste generated upwards in the food supply chain. 

 Read the full article.


European Health Union: building a stronger EU health response

The Council has adopted the final building blocks of the European Health Union: the Regulation on Serious cross-border health threats, the Regulation on the extended mandate of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the Emergency Framework Regulation to provide extra powers to the European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA).

These new rules complete the European Health Union, building a powerful legal framework to improve the EU's capacity in the vital areas of prevention, preparedness, surveillance, risk assessment, early warning, and response.

 Read more in the press release.

Zero Pollution: Europeans seriously worried about air quality and call for stronger action

Europeans are worried about the effect of air pollution on health and the environment, according to a special Eurobarometer survey. Most also think that industry, public authorities and employers need to do more to improve air quality. Respondents clearly favour an international or European approach to improving air quality and a large majority of the respondents who have heard of EU air quality standards say that they should be strengthened.

 Discover the key findings of the survey.


Events and webinars

Sustainable Food Systems in Nutrition & Dietetics Education 
7 - 8 June 2023

How do we train the nutrition and dietetics workforce to be ready for food systems sustainability challenges that deeply affect human nutritional health? Dietitians and Nutritionists are more frequently integrating Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) into their roles in healthcare, community, research, education, agriculture, businesses, policies, and more.

How do educators prepare Dietitians and Nutritionists for this important role and how can we support them to upskill and train in SFS concepts?

 Find out more and register.


Resilient Health Systems in Europe: the role of medical and digital health technologies
11 November 2022

This event will encourage a dialogue between stakeholders, such as EUMSs, regions and cities, EU institutions, healthcare organisations, and representatives of healthcare professionals, patients and industry, on how the medical and digital health technologies industry can make a tangible contribution to ensuring healthcare systems are more resilient.

 Find out more and register.


Alpro Foundation Symposium - The Truth about Plant Protein
17 November 2022

Dietary guidelines across the world recommend increasing the consumption of plant-based foods and lowering the consumption of animal-based foods both for health benefits and environmental sustainability.

 Find out more and register.


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