14th EFAD Congress: A heartfelt thank you, World Diabetes Day and more..


14th EFAD Congress News

We, at EFAD, are grateful for the success and impact of the 14th EFAD Congress. Your participation and dedication have truly made it a remarkable milestone in our journey toward advancing dietetic care as a fundamental human right.

🧭 The theme, "Dietetic care, a human right: moving forward into a new era" served as our compass throughout the congress. It was a call to unite and drive positive change in ensuring equitable access to proper nutrition and healthcare for all European citizens.

As we reflect on the achievements and discussions of the 14th EFAD Congress, we carry forward the spirit of unity and commitment to networking, exchanging knowledge, learning from each other, and having fun.

We renew our commitment to further explore dietetic care as a human right, at the 15th EFAD Congress in Malmö, Sweden, in 2025.

 With sincere gratitude,

The Organising and Scientific Committees

Let's watch back some of the Congress' highlights


The 34th EFAD General Meeting

On Thursday, October 12th, the EFAD Delegates met at the 34th EFAD General Meeting, which is held annually and EFAD makes key decisions for the coming year/s. The General Meeting is typically held as a pre-Congress event.

 The 34th EFAD General meeting.


The ENDietS Students' Day 

On Thursday, October 12th, the European Network of Dietetic Students hosted the ENDietS Students' Day, drawing over 100 aspiring nutrition and dietetic students from across Europe. Centered around the theme 'We Learn, We Inspire, We Grow' the event provided an inspiring platform where students enthusiastically engaged, fostering an environment for mutual learning, inspiration, and personal growth. 

 The ENDietS Students' Day.


The Opening Plenary Session

The 14th EFAD Congress kicked off with an impactful opening plenary session on Friday the 13th. Beginning with warm welcomes from EFAD President Annemieke van Ginkel-Res and the Hungarian NDA president Zsuzsanna Szűcs, the session delved into crucial health issues in Hungary, presented by Dr. Judit Bidló, Deputy State Secretary of Health. EFAD Congress focused on shaping nutritional care policies, serving as a platform for the official launch of ONCA Hungary.



The Closing Ceremony

During our closing ceremony, Professor Maria Giannakoulia was honoured with the EFAD fellowship in recognition of her continuous, outstanding contributions to the advancement of dietetic research and education.

The atmosphere was deeply emotional, underscoring the unity among dietitians.

Moments like these demonstrate our collective commitment to promoting our science and profession without any sense of competition. 

To our attendees, your active participation, inquisitive minds, and eagerness to learn have been the heartbeat of this congress. Your contributions have created an environment of collaboration and shared knowledge that will resonate long after the event's conclusion.

The backdrop of Budapest, with its rich history and vibrant culture, provided an exceptional setting that enhanced the congress experience. We hope that the city's beauty added an extra layer of enjoyment and inspiration to your time here.

A heartfelt thank you to all of you. See you in Malmö, Sweden in 2025!



World Diabetes Day - 14 November


This World Diabetes Day, EFAD's ESDN Diabetes presented an infographic highlighting the 'Importance of Daily 35g Fiber Consumption', based on the European recommendations for the dietary management of diabetes, that were recently revised to provide health professionals with evidence-based guidelines to inform discussions with patients on diabetes management, including type 2 diabetes prevention and remission.

This resource aids dietitians' daily practice and emphasizes the key role of patient education in effective diabetes management.

 Explore the infographic in two convenient formats: a downloadable PDF for printing and Social Media assets ready for easy sharing across your channels.


ESDN Diabetes webinar “Diabetes Type 1 and Celiac Disease in Pediatrics” - 23 November

 14th European Nutrition Conference FENS 2023

Don’t miss the webinar “Diabetes Type 1 and Celiac Disease in Pediatrics” that ESDN Diabetes is hosting next Thursday, November 23rd at 18:00 CET. 

📌 When: 23 November 2023

 Register here.


Events and webinars

INPRO closing seminar (30/11) and field visit (01/12)

The INPRO consortium will share the outcomes of 3 years of collaboration and research during a 2-day INPRO event.
Together partners of 4 universities of applied sciences and 3 rehabilitation centres worked towards the goal of further enabling a smooth transfer from interprofessional education to the work field.

 Find more.


10th ESPEN Symposium - Nutrition for the older adult: Current concepts
3 - 4 December 2023
Istanbul, Turkey

 You can find out more.


17th Panhellenic Nutrition and Dietetics Conference

The Hellenic Dietetic Association is organizing the 17th Panhellenic Nutrition and Dietetics Conference from the 8th until the 10th of December 2023 at the Megaron Athens Concert Hall in Athens. 

📌 When: 8 - 10 December 2023
📍 Where: Megaron Concert Hall, Athens

 Read more.


31st European Congress on Obesity

The next ECO2024, 31st European Congress on Obesity, will be held in the city of Venice, Italy, between the 12th and 15th of May 2024.

Abstract submission is now open!

📌 When: 12 - 15 May, 2024
📍 Where: Venice, Italy

 Find out more.

19th International Congress of Nutrition and Dietetics (ICND2024)

At ICND2024, the theme “Rise to the Challenge” aims to inspire and empower attendees.  The world of nutrition and dietetics faces an ever-evolving landscape, and this theme reflects the commitment to helping dietitians overcome obstacles, embrace change, and elevate their professional journey.

📌 When: 12 - 14 June, 2024
📍 Where: Toronto, Canada

 Find out more.

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