Welcome to your fortnightly EFAD Newsflash - please share this important update with your colleagues and ask them to sign up to receive it too.
A successful European Public Health Week!
EFAD was the official partner of the Thursday theme of the European Public Health Week, All for One Health, on 20 May. In total, 340 attended the webinar co-organised with EUPHA on Sustainable and nutritious diets for healthier populations. Annemieke van Ginkel-Res, EFAD's Honorary President, said: “The European Public Health Week gives European dietitians the opportunity to join forces for One Health, to help and lead European consumers toward healthier and more sustainable diets. Every European citizen should have the right to have access to sustainable nutritional and dietary advice during their lives.”
PROMISS: Strategies for stakeholders
White paper on impact of cancer-related comorbidities published
As part of European Week Against Cancer, which took place last week, a white paper has been published on the impact of cancer-related comorbidities on patient treatment, treatment efficacy, survivorship and quality of life. Research shows that most cancer patients, even up to almost 90% depending on the cancer type and age, report at least one comorbid condition. Read it on our website - or access the summary - here.
Could you be the new Executive Director?
EFAD is searching for an Executive Director with a passionate Voice for European Dietetics! Click here to download the job description and find out how you can apply. The deadline is 14 June.
Registration for EFAD Congress 2021 is open
The EFAD Congress 2021 will take place virtually on 26 - 30 October 2021. It will be a five-day journey through European Dietetics with host countries Ireland, Sweden, Israel and Croatia. Get involved on social: use hashtag #EFADCongress21.
Spotlight: ESDN Gastroenterology Committee
An update on what the ESDN Gastroenterology Committee has been working on.
- The committee met in January to discuss the work plan.
- Christina Katsagoni wrote two knowledge transfers in the Kompass Nutrition and Dietetics Journal: “Challenges in Clinical Nutrition during the COVID-19 Pandemic” and “Malnutrition in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: What do we know today?” She was also a member of the Advisory board of the EFAD Health Through Gut Programme.
- Paula Crespo participated in the webinar “Women and coeliac: unveiling the role of women” organized by the Association of European Coeliac Societies for International Coeliac Day.
- We are holding a webinar about liver cirrhosis nutritional assessment on 9 June (find out more in the Events section). Two more webinars will follow later this year.
- Our committee is developing a survey for gastroenterology dietitians to understand how European dietitians work in their daily practice.
- ESDN Gastroenterology will take part in the 13th EFAD Congress Scientific Programme Committee.
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Get involved in Dietitians Week!
Organised by the British Dietetic Association, Dietitians Week 2021 will be taking place from 7 - 11 June 2021. The week will be a fantastic celebration of dietitians, dietetic support workers and students. Find out more about the week's events here.
New name and identity for Dutch Association of Dietitians
As of 1 June, the Dutch Association of Dietitians will now use its full name instead of the abbreviation NVD. Their new logo is designed to portray collaboration, signifying 'connecting the dots' and establishing a connection. The association says this will reflect how it works in practice: careful, with quality, and putting the finishing touches.
Calling all universities!
Have you used the Food Systems Summit Dialogues?
The Food Systems Summit Dialogues enable a standardised approach for the convening, curation and facilitation of purposeful and organised events that encourage a broad and diverse range of stakeholders to come together and share their experiences of food systems. EFAD was represented by Executive Director Judith Liddell in a EUFIC Dialogue on sustainable food systems earlier this year, which you can check out here. Find out more and access all the Dialogues here.
Public consultation open on the Draft WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety
Last year, WHO Member States requested an update to the WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety to address current and emerging challenges, incorporate new technologies and include innovative approaches for strengthening food safety systems. WHO is launching a public consultation to reach organisations, research institutions, and interested citizens and stakeholders from all over the world to ensure that the content of the strategy reflects the experience, needs and aspirations of the international community. Inputs collected during the public consultation will be taken into account in the revision of the strategy. Find out more here.
How the Mediterranean can eat its way to a healthier water footprint
A new paper published in the journal Resources, Conservation & Recycling shows that people in Mediterranean countries can reduce their water footprint by shifting to a healthy Mediterranean or EAT-Lancet diet. Find out more.

Help shape the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition
The UN Decade of Action on Nutrition 2016-2025 is a commitment by United Nations Member States to undertake 10 years of sustained and coherent implementation of policies, programmes and increased investments to eliminate malnutrition in all its forms, everywhere, leaving no one behind.
If you're attending a webinar or event that our members would love to hear about, let us know! We are calling for EFAD members to get involved in live sharing of key info and summaries from events and webinars you're attending, so that we can share on the EFAD Twitter account. Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.
3 June 7pm CEST EFAD-EMF Webinar: "Health effects of dairy foods: new insights based on the food matrix concept"
4 June 8am - 1pm CEST The European Fresh Produce Association Annual Event 
The 2021 Freshfel Europe Annual Event will provide detailed insights into opportunities for the sector to lead the way for a healthy and sustainable future for Europe and beyond, starting with the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021. Find out more and register for free here.
8 June 4pm CEST COVID Recovery: Why investments in nutrition cannot wait? - WHO Food Systems Summit Dialogues: Health Talks 
Join the Standing Together for Nutrition Consortium for this session discussing the impact of the pandemic and the urgency to prioritise nutrition in COVID-19 recovery policy. The webinar will share response planning solutions that are ripe for investment. Register here.
9 June 7pm CEST ESDN Gastroenterology webinar: "Nutritional assessment and intervention in patients with liver cirrhosis" 
Nutritional assessment is essential in liver cirrhotic patients. However, most of the common nutritional screening and nutritional assessment methods are unreliable in patients, since the nature and the complications of the disease negatively affect the sensitivity of these methods. The available methods that can be applied will be discussed and we will further explore ways to tailor the nutritional intervention to each patient’s needs, considering the heterogeneity of this disease. Speakers: Alexandra Georgiou, MSC PhD and Lea Franziska. Sign up for free now.
9 - 11 June NUTRICON 2021 Congress, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia 
NUTRICON 2021 will bring together the scientific and expert work of food professionals to gain comprehensive insight and understanding of today's food quality, safety, health and nutrition issues. Register here.
11 June 12pm CEST ELLLC Webinar: "An introduction to Salutogenesis - how to apply salutogenic principles in your dietetic practice" 
The salutogenic approach to healthy eating is the origin of the positive approach to health. It is a holistic orientation towards food and eating. It focuses on how to do things, not to know facts. After a short introduction to salutogenesis, two cases of salutogenic intervention design will be discussed. Register for free here.
25 June 2pm CEST PROMISS final conference 
The conference will provide the opportunity to learn more about the importance of protein for older people, the PROMISS findings and evidence-based recommendations developed in the project. View the programme and register for free here.
25 June World Union of Wholesale Markets (WUWM) 2021 Conference 
“Fresh food distribution in the post-COVID-19 world: Challenges, opportunities and pathways to ensure resilient and sustainable food systems and access to healthy diets” WUWM is organising this conference to exchange, debate and propose innovative and effective ways to recover from the adverse effects of the COVID crisis. During this one-day conference, high ranked experts will exchange their experiences during the pandemic, debate on lessons learned and propose innovative solutions to address the sector’s most pressing challenges. Find out more and register here.
25 - 26 June Digital conference: Better nutrition for life: for now and generations to come 
To celebrate FrieslandCampina Institute’s 20th anniversary this year, international speakers will share their expertise on topics like the impact of nutrition on child and maternal health, healthy ageing, and the role of protein within a healthy and sustainable diet. Find the programme and sign up here.
5 - 16 July Online Summer School on Dairy Nutrition and Health 
Are you interested in engaging with experts who have both scientific knowledge and practical experience in the world of dairy? Do you want to know more about dairy products, in relation to the current interest in plant-based diets? Are you eager to learn how processing affects nutrient values of dairy products? Interested in translating dairy science into relevant practice? Then this interactive Summer School on dairy nutrition and health is the right programme for you. Find out more and register here by 15 June.
23 - 24 September XX Congress of Food and Nutrition & II International Congress of Food and Nutrition 
The theme of the congress is Back to the Future: Nutrition Last Decades - covering:
- the lessons learned from COVID-19 in terms of food and nutrition
- the importance of immunity
- the role of food in mood and depression
- the necessary transformation of food systems
- many other topics in the spectrum of nutrition and food.
All EFAD members can take advantage of special registration conditions - click here to find out more.
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