ECO Conference, Survey for ESPEN Guidelines, World Ovarian Cancer Day and more...


EFAD Newsflash


Are you attending ECO 2024 in Venice this May?

The 31st European Congress on Obesity, held this year in Venice Italy, is only a few days away. This year's dynamic program is thoughtfully curated into four key areas: "Basic Science," "Behavioural and Public Health," "Childhood and Adolescent Obesity," and "Management and Intervention."

Among others, EFAD's ESDN Obesity shares an insightful joint session with the EASO Nutrition Working Group on two very significant themes:

 Dietary guidelines for the treatment of obesity in Europe and Italy
 The role of dietary treatment in patients with Obesity that are receiving medication

Led by esteemed speakers, these sessions promise to be interactive and stimulating, fostering dialogue around the latest advancements in the field. Don't miss out on the opportunity to engage with our experts and dive into the forefront of obesity research and management.

We would be happy to connect with you. See you in Venice!

 Explore the full program.


Survey for dietitians about ESPEN guidelines

The EFAD-ESPEN Working Group was established by EFAD in 2019 to increase dietetic collaboration with the ESPEN community.

The working group has developed a questionnaire to gather insight into which source of information European Dietitians and Dietetic Students use within their dietetic practice, how dietitians use the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) guidelines, and if the ESPEN guidelines should have an addendum for dietitians that focuses on the practical implementation of the ESPEN guidelines.

Your Participation Matters: Deadline June 1, 2024

Take the Survey.


Call for Leaders and Members of EFAD European Specialist Dietetic Networks & Committees

EFAD invited nominations for specialist dietitians interested in contributing to the work of the following European Specialist Dietetic Networks committees from 2024 to 2028. 

 Food Service
 Older Adults
 Primary Care
 Public Health

⏳Deadline: May 10, 2024.

 You can find out more.

Another way to join EFAD's dynamic community is by becoming a member of one of our three Standing Committees for the 2024-2028 term!

 Education & Life Long Learning Committee Membership
 Professional Practice Committee
 Research & Evidence-Based Practice Committee

⏳Deadline: May 10, 2024


World Ovarian Cancer Day - May 8th 

Established in 2013 by a group of leaders from ovarian cancer advocacy organizations around the world, May 8 – World Ovarian Cancer Day, is the one day of the year we globally raise our voices in solidarity in the fight against ovarian cancer.

EFAD ESDN Oncology Committee quoted: "People living with ovarian cancer can face some nutritional challenges such as abdominal surgeries, ascites or unintentional weight changes. As oncology dietitians, we can help women in their fight by optimising their nutrition and providing care and support in their journey."

 Follow ESDN Oncology on LinkedIn


EFAD Learning

We are pleased to announce a transformative upgrade to the EFAD Learning Platform, designed to elevate your professional journey to new heights.

Starting this June, we're introducing a subscription-based model that promises unparalleled access to premium resources, cutting-edge education, and exclusive benefits tailored to empower your career in dietetics.

Benefits of Subscription:

  • Access to Exclusive Content: Dive deep into specialized topics and gain insights from experts in various fields of dietetics
  • Professional Development Opportunities: Earn continuing education credits and expand your skill set with our diverse range of learning modules.
  • Networking and Collaboration: Connect with fellow dietitians from across Europe, share best practices, and foster meaningful professional relationships.

Join Us on June 1st:

Mark your calendars and be among the first to experience the enhanced EFAD Learning Platform. Stay tuned for more details on subscription options and special offers for early adopters.


New Kompass Nutrition & Dietetics is out!

Article Highlight

Perspective: Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities for Dietitians
In recent years, the interest in food and nutrition insecurity in high-income countries has skyrocketed. However, its recognition in Europe is still developing. This perspective summarizes the evidence on food and nutrition insecurity across Europe in terms of prevalence, consequences, and current mitigation strategies, to outline the challenges and opportunities for dietitians.

 Read the full review article by Elena Carrillo-Álvarez.


The new Kompass Nutrition and Dietetics is out!
Explore the Latest Issue of Kompass Nutrition and Dietetics with a special spotlight on Nutrition in Vulnerable Populations.

 Find more on the latest issue here.


EFAD Projects

Let's FEED Europe together! 🌍

As indicated in the article by Elena Carillo-Alvarez, Food and Nutrition Insecurity remains a persistent and widespread issue across Europe, affecting millions of individuals and families. In response to this critical problem, EFAD, in collaboration with the Global Research on Wellbeing (GRoW) research group are developing the Food Security, Education & Empowerment for Dietitians (FEED) project to effectively empower dietitians with the knowledge and resources to combat food insecurity.

Help us identify the knowledge gaps and understand your needs on Food Insecurity by completing a short survey. 

Take the Survey.


ENDietS news..

ENDietS Fall School: "Gather to Nourish"

Save the date for ENDietS Fall School! Join ENDietS for the "Gather to Nourish" fall school in Antalya from 25-27 October 2024. The program will offer interactive sessions, inspiring lectures, and a variety of workshops to develop your skills.

Engage with experts and professionals and create lifelong friendships! Registration will be open soon! Keep your eyes on ENDietS social media channels.
🗓️ When: 25-27 October 2024



ENSP Calls for a Tobacco and Nicotine-Free Europe

Despite decades of awareness campaigns and regulatory measures, tobacco remains a persistent danger, claiming millions of lives and burdening healthcare systems across the EU.

ENSP calls its members to join the collective efforts to urge all candidates to the European Parliament elections to prioritize tobacco control at the EU level.

 You can find out more on how to join the efforts.


New WHO/Europe report highlights a direct link between COVID-19 and increased obesity in school-aged children

A new report from WHO/Europe confirms what has long been suspected: a link between the COVID-19 pandemic and increased rates of obesity among children 7 to 9 years old. 

  Find out more.


Safe2Eat Campaign: Empowering Consumers Across Europe

EFSA and its partners in EU Member States have launched the 2024 Safe2Eat campaign today. The campaign aims to inform citizens about various aspects of food safety, enabling them to make food choices with confidence and increasing their trust in the EU food system.

 You can find out more.


International Day of Potato 2024

In December 2023, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 30 May as the International Day of Potato. Potatoes are eaten by more than one billion people around the world. In 2024, we celebrate the first International Day of Potato by focusing on the contribution of the potato to the lives of producers and consumers with the timely theme: Harvesting diversity, feeding hope.

 Explore the FAO guide to the International Day of Potato 2024.


ESPEN Clinical Nutrition Journal - May 2024

Stay tuned for all the latest news and relevant studies on Clinical Nutrition.

 You can find out more.


Congresses, Events and Webinars

European-wide Congresses/ Events

34th session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC34)

The Republic of Moldova will host the Thirty-fourth Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC) from 14 to 17 May 2024 at the FAO headquarters (Rome).

During the conference, participants will discuss issues in more detail during special events covering wide range of topics, such as challenges for landlocked developing countries in the region, the importance of the One Country One Priority Product initiative, the 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29), and integrated water resource management.

📌 When: 14 - 17 May, 2024
📍 Where: Hybrid, Online/ Rome, Italy

 You can find out more & register.


ESPGHAN 56th Annual Meeting

Discover a gathering of the international paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition community in Europe, filled with the latest PGHAN science, clinical advances, medical discoveries, practical workshops, and stimulating discussions.

📌 When: 15 - 18 May, 2024
📍 Where: Hybrid, Online/ Milan, Italy

 You can find out more & register.


46th ESPEN Congress

The 46th ESPEN Congress on Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism will be held in Milan, Italy this September. Early registration is now open.

📌 When: 7 - 10 September 2024
📍 Where: Milan, Italy

 Find out more.


EFPC 2024 Conference

The EFPC association announces its 2024 annual conference with a focus on Sustainability in Primary Care. The Call for Abstracts is open until May 15th.

📌 When: 15 - 17 September 2024
📍 Where: Ljubljana, Slovenia

 Find out more.


WHO Europe Summer School

WHO/Europe’s Special Initiative on NCDs and Innovation (SNI), Université Côte d’Azur, and Ulysses European University organize an in-person 4-day summer-school course to explore systems thinking and innovation for the prevention of non-communicable diseases and a healthy aging population in the WHO European Region.
📌 When: 16 - 19 June, 2024
📍 Where: Nice, France

 Find out more.


NNEdPro-Cambridge Summer School & Foundation Certificate in Applied Human Nutrition 

The NNEdPro-Cambridge Summer School offers a comprehensive Foundation Certificate in Applied Human Nutrition, covering a broad spectrum of basic nutritional concepts and their applications in healthcare, policy, and prevention.

As EFAD members, you are eligible for a 10% discount on registration, by using the code NNEDPROP24. 
📌 When: April/ September, 2024
📍 Where: Cambridge/ Online

 Find out more.


17th European Public Health Conference 2024

The European Public Health Conference Foundation and the European Public Health Association are organizing the 17th EPH Conference: "Sailing the Waves of European Public Health: exploring a Sea of Innovation."

📌 When: 13 - 15 November 2024
📍 Where: Lisbon, Portugal

 Find out more.

International Events

19th International Congress of Nutrition and Dietetics (ICND2024)

At ICND2024, the theme “Rise to the Challenge” aims to inspire and empower attendees.  The world of nutrition and dietetics faces an ever-evolving landscape, and this theme reflects the commitment to helping dietitians overcome obstacles, embrace change, and elevate their professional journey.

📌 When: 12 - 14 June, 2024
📍 Where: Toronto, Canada

 Find out more.

EFAD is on Instagram

 Follow EFAD on Instagram.


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