
NdP_Suplementos nutricionales: cuándo deben tomarse y riesgos de su consumo innecesario o en exceso

26-06-2024 Solicitudes:197 Actividades

Manuel Moñino, presidente del Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Dietistas-Nutricionistas y del Colegio de Illes Balears: “Una persona sana, sin problemas de salud ni situaciones clínica... Leer más

XI HIA International Conference GRANADA 2011

HMtool & HIAtool, two tools: Healthy Menu tool at web2.0 evaluated by the Health Impact Assessment tool.

The WHO warns that of the 10 most harmful risks to health, 6 are directly related to food, nutrients  and diet. Healthcare services have been estimated to contribute only a third of the improvements we could make in life expectancy, changing people’s lifestyles and removing health inequalities contribute the remaining two thirds.

Given this data, the promotion of healthy eating habits and the adoption of better diet styles have become prime objectives. It is necessary to sensitize and familiarize consumers with these concepts, so it is important that these actions are accompanied by other initiatives involving all stakeholders involved in diet and food-related actions.

FaLang translation system by Faboba


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