Dear all,
2020 has been a difficult year, with many of you facing challenges that could not even have been imagined a year ago. New words came into our lives, such as social distancing, face masks, reproduction rates, COVID-19, Teams, Zoom, Webex, etc. But these difficulties also brought opportunities and new experiences. Especially in meeting each other online, what a learning curve! Webinars, conferences and meetings online all went well! And EFAD has had more successes:
- Our online General Meeting
- Launch of the EFAD online journal Kompass Nutrition & Dietetics (story below)
- Our collaborations with WHO, European Commission, ESPEN, and EASO
- The COVID resources on the EFAD website continue to increase
- The contribution of over 200 volunteers to numerous committees, actions and projects
- The continued support of our members and stakeholders, without which EFAD could not continue to be “the Voice of European Dietetics”
So as 2020 draws to an end I would like, on behalf of the EFAD Executive Committee, to wish everyone in the EFAD network a safe and healthy festive season, and the hope that 2021 will bring a return to some kind of normality and we can meet again in person! Stay healthy and enjoy time with (limited amounts of) family and friends. Warm regards, Annemieke van Ginkel-Res EFAD Honorary President